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GEDexplorer for Android and iOS

GEDexplorer is a browser for genealogy data contained in GEDCOM files. Using GEDexplorer you can keep your family history data with you at all times, in your phone or in your tablet. With GEDexplorer there's no recurring fee, no need to share your data with others and no need to stay connected to the internet.

Please note that GEDexplorer can not (yet) edit genealogy data - it can only visualize genealogy information that you have already collected.

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  • A compact yet detailed biographical view
  • A scrollable and zoomable tree view for showing a person's ancestors and/or descendants
  • A circular view for showing a person's ancestors
  • Split screen mode (useful for tablets and high density phones)
  • Shows images for persons, events and places
  • Shows maps for places (if they have coordinates)
  • Supports links to web pages
  • Supports notes written in HTML
  • Supports GEDCOM 5.5, 5.5.1 and 5.5EL files in a variety of character encodings
  • Can send printouts to your printer or to Google Cloud Print
  • Fast and memory efficient (for instance, it can load a 25 MB GEDCOM file containing 100000 persons on a Samsung Galaxy S III)
  • Supported languages: English, French, German, Polish and Swedish
  • Supports Samsung Multi Window (available on many Samsung devices)

For more information, see the help file for Android or for iOS.


Screenshot of the person view Screenshot of the place view
Person view (Android) Place view (Android)

Screenshot of the tree view
Tree view (Android)

Screenshot of the tree view
Tree view (iOS)

Screenshot of the circle view
Circle view (Android)

Screenshot of split screen
Split screen mode (Android)

Screenshot of split screen
Split screen mode (iOS)